Monday, October 20, 2008

Updated Resume

Martin Tinkleberry
634 Liptia St.
Bartfotter, NM 91236

Objective: To find a job making money whilst listening to the song of my heart.


Mrs.Dootpooter's Bakery
Cashier - Jan 2008- Feb 2008
I worked the cash register real good at this one. The customer would ask for a scone and I would giveth. Mrs. Dootpooter wouldn't take no crap from nobody though, and my big mouth got me fired. But I have to listen to the song of my heart - and at this joint, it went "Mrs. Dootpooter's a big 'ol bitch"

Clagman's House of Crayons
Sharpener - May 2007 - May 2007
At Clagman's, we had over a billiondy crayons, and it was my job to sharpen the dull ones. I was fired from this one for "putting my dangle where it didn't belong".

Turkman's Lumber Yard
2004 - 2006
On my first day, I got stuck under a log. I stayed there for 2 years, keeping myself alive by eating bark and drinking my own pee.


BD in Circumcision studies at Psoriasis College (not recoginized by the Princeton Review)
GPA: 9.43 (out of ???)
Expected Graduation: As soon as my professor gets out of his coma.

BA in Stenciling at Berkley (school of stenciling)
GPA: pass
Graduated 1997


Stenciling, Circumcision, making a pot roast, airbrushing tee shirts at the beach.

references NOT available upon request.

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