Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hitting it Off


Man: Hi there.

Woman: (turns her back to man)

Man: Can I buy you a drink?

Woman: (no response)

Man: I like your shoulder tattoo.

Woman: That's a mole.

Man: I'll see myself out. (man downs the rest of his "Tequila Mockingbird")


Man: Self help, eh?

Woman: (turns back to man)

Man: A can't imagine a woman as beautiful as you needing any "self help"...

Woman: (silence)

Man: I seem to have gotten lost. Do you know where the bodybuilding section is?

Woman: (annoyed sigh)

Man: Do you want to feel my muscle?

Woman: (death stare)

Man: I'll see myself out. (Man Rollerblades away)


Man: You can lean over me if you want to see out the window.

Woman: (blank stare)

Man: Are you going to eat your peanuts?

Woman: (puts headphones on)

Man: I'm a tad nippy, could I borrow some of your blanket?

Woman: (ignores)

Man: You know, what happens under the blanket STAYS under the blanket.

Woman: (death stare)

Man: I'll show myself out. (Man jumps out of plane)


Man: Boy, it sure is hot down here.

Woman: (silently burns)

Man: You know, if you undo the buttons on that sweater you'll get more circulation. Just saying.

Woman: (not amused)

Man: You don't have to be embarrassed. It's not like I haven't seen boobs before.

Woman: (curses man with demonic incantation)

Man: I'll show myself out. (Man joins Hitler at the social mixer)


Man: Would you like the rest of my freeze dried ice cream?

Woman: (stares out at the vast emptiness of space)

Man: Suit yourself. How about some Tang?

Woman: (adjusts the compression in her space suit)

Man: You wanna join the 600 miles high club?

Woman: (enters hypersleep in defiance)

Man: I'll take that as a maybe. (man tries to enter hypersleep, but accidentally hit's "hyperspace", sending him light years out of his galaxy)


Man: Back on Earth, I was a king.

Alien: (indecipherable Alien gibberish)

Man: And I had many beautiful women as mistresses.

Alien: (drools)

Man: What I'm trying to say is that I've pleasured many, and would like to continue to do so.

Alien: (covers man in bile shot from its tentacle)

Man: Oh you frisky minx.

Alien: (eats man)

Later, when the Alien sits around with her other Alien friend....

Alien friend: So you ate him?

Alien: Yeah, but he didn't go down well.

Alien friend: Does any man?

Alien: Oh, you are TOO MUCH!

(the aliens toast their martinis)


1 comment:

Candace said...



