Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween (For Monsters)

On October 31, 2008 Satan had a costume party. This is how it went down...

10:31pm - Satan (dressed as Screech) puts the finishing touches on his appetizer platter.

10:36pm - There's a knock at the door. It's Frankenstein (dressed as the Joker - how freakin' original). He's embarrassingly early, as usual.

Frankenstein: I brought pigs in a blanket.

Satan: ...thanks.

Frankenstein: Who are you supposed to be? Topher Grace?

Satan: I'm Screech.

Frankenstein: ?

Satan: From 'Saved by the Bell'?

Frankenstein: ?

Satan: Jesus Franky, have you ever watched TV?

Frankenstein: I like that show, Two and Half Men.

Satan: You would. Help yourself to the punch.

11:15pm - The Werewolf (dressed as The Burger King) arrives with The Mummy (dressed as the Stock Market) and The Thing (dressed as Garth Vader, which is essentially a Darth Vader costume with a cowboy hat and an acoustic guitar).

Satan: Hey guys, come on in. LOVE the costumes.

The Thing: I'm ready to get wasted and make a mistake.

Satan: That Burger King costume is genuinely creepy. But I thought you were coming as a Sexy Nurse this year?

Werewolf: I was, but I didn't have enough time to go get a bikini wax.

Mummy: ...awkward....

Werewolf: (stage whisper) Oh god, is that Frankenstein?

Satan: (louder stage whisper) I swear I didn't invite him. He must have overheard at the River Styx mixer.

The Thing: This could mean trouble if "you know who" shows up...

Frankenstein sulks by the punch.

11:42pm - Dracula (dressed as a pencil) arrives with Bride of Frankenstein (dressed as a pencil sharpener).

Satan: Hi guys, come on in! Oh, matching costumes...TOO CUTE!

Dracula pretends to put his pencil in the sharpener. It's awkwardly sexual. From across the room...

The Thing: OMG, can you believe they had the nerve to come here together?

Werewolf: Franky is going to LOSE HIS SHIT.

Frankenstein looks up from his appetizer plate. He sees Dracula, poking Bride of Frankenstein with his pencil. The plate drops to the floor SLOW MOTION STYLE.


And with that, Frankenstein charges Dracula. But before he makes contact, The Thing smashes Franky in the head with his acoustic guitar. It puts Franky in a momentary haze.

Satan: Woah, woah, woah there. Everybody calm down. Now, this is a party! Let's all try and get along, please?

Mummy: No, Satan. These men need to settle their differences, once and for all. Let them have at it.

The Thing: If you don't, this sort of thing will continue to happen. And it will make our parties SUCK.

Satan twirls his pitchfork as he contemplates.

Satan: Fine. But I want you two to use your fists, not your words.

After a moment...

Frankenstein: Fine.

Dracula: Fine.

12:01am - The two monsters face off. Frankenstein has the height advantage, but Dracula has the grace. Franky rears back, ready to deliver a vicious blow. But before he makes contact...

Bride: WAIT!

Franky stops just short of Dracula's face.

Bride: It's high time I said what needed to be said...

Bride of Frankenstein comes between Dracula and Franky. She tenderly takes Franky's hand.

Bride: Franky, when we were together, it was amazing. I mean, we just connected, you know? But I realized that we just became two different people. I love you, Franky-wanky, but I'm no longer IN love with you.

Frankenstein: But...

Bride of Frankenstein puts her finger up to his lip.

Bride: Shhh. If love something, set it free.

Frankenstein sheds a single tear.

Bride: We'll always have the cemetary...

Frankenstein wets himself.

Mummy: Oh that's unfortunate.

2:36am - All the monsters have left the party. Satan speaks to his parrot.

Satan: Well Beatrice, I think outdid ourselves this year. What do you think?

Beatrice squawks.

Satan: You're right, Beatrice. A bubble bath IS in order!

2:56am - Satan takes a bubble bath. It's...weird.

The End?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Updated Resume

Martin Tinkleberry
634 Liptia St.
Bartfotter, NM 91236

Objective: To find a job making money whilst listening to the song of my heart.


Mrs.Dootpooter's Bakery
Cashier - Jan 2008- Feb 2008
I worked the cash register real good at this one. The customer would ask for a scone and I would giveth. Mrs. Dootpooter wouldn't take no crap from nobody though, and my big mouth got me fired. But I have to listen to the song of my heart - and at this joint, it went "Mrs. Dootpooter's a big 'ol bitch"

Clagman's House of Crayons
Sharpener - May 2007 - May 2007
At Clagman's, we had over a billiondy crayons, and it was my job to sharpen the dull ones. I was fired from this one for "putting my dangle where it didn't belong".

Turkman's Lumber Yard
2004 - 2006
On my first day, I got stuck under a log. I stayed there for 2 years, keeping myself alive by eating bark and drinking my own pee.


BD in Circumcision studies at Psoriasis College (not recoginized by the Princeton Review)
GPA: 9.43 (out of ???)
Expected Graduation: As soon as my professor gets out of his coma.

BA in Stenciling at Berkley (school of stenciling)
GPA: pass
Graduated 1997


Stenciling, Circumcision, making a pot roast, airbrushing tee shirts at the beach.

references NOT available upon request.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gary had a little 'stache

Gary had a little 'stache
the strands were red like fire
and everywhere that Gary went
his 'stache raised manly ire

He wore his 'stache to school one day
which was against the rule
it made the girls unsnap their bras
to see a 'stache so cool

"Why does his 'stache cause such a fuss?"
They asked an ancient relic;
"Because my dears," the relic replied
"he's like a young Tom Selleck"

Friday, October 10, 2008

Daily Paper Retractions


In our ongoing quest to maintain journalistic integrity, the Daily Paper would like to correct some factual errors made in the recent weeks pertaining to several of our breaking stories. The editors of the paper would like to retract the following statements...

On June 30th, we wrote that Abraham Lincoln assassinated John Wilkes Booth during a fraternity Toga party. Oops, we were wrong. Apparently Booth assassinated Lincoln, and it was...somewhere else.

On July 2, we ran an article that attempted to debunk the idea that cats have nine lives. Although we were successful, we engaged in what some group calls "animal cruelty". Sorry guys! :/

On July 6th, we printed the entire paper in wingdings. We apologize for the inconvenience.

On July 7th, no one decided to come in to work...so...there was no news. But we assure you that anything that happened on that day was not really relevant. ...so...whoops.

On July 22nd, our Op Ed columnist urged readers to get out of the house and enjoy the summer by going down to the local "glory hole". He meant to write local "watering hole". The Daily Paper claims no responsibility for subsequent trauma maintained by readers who took his advice.

On July 25th, our weather forecast predicted that the sky would ejaculate. In our defense, it did rain.

On August 1, the letter A on our keyboard didn't work, making most of the paper read like gibberish. Luckily, we had a warranty on the equipment, so its all good now.

On August 11th, we ran an article claiming that arson was good for your skin. Apparently just because you make a statement doesn't mean its true. I realize that now.

On August 23, our Arts and Entertainment editor reviewed the fifth grade production of Robin Hood. Calling it a "theatrical abortion" may have been a little harsh, but they play truly was shit.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I hate you so much

I hate you so much. It's incredible how much I hate you. I hate you from the top of my head to BELOW my feet. In fact, I hate you from SPACE to the CENTER OF THE EARTH. Scratch that. I hate you from Pluto to China. NO - from the very leftist edge of the universe to the very rightist edge of the universe. If I was Rubberman, I would say, "I hate you THIS much" and then stretch my arms beyond the limits of any mere mortal.

I love how much I hate you. I want to sleep with how much I hate you. Actually, I want to date how much I hate you for several months and then sleep with how much I hate you's sister just to piss you off. I hate you so much that Satan thinks I should see a therapist.

I wish only the worst for you. You know when people say, "I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy"? I want to wrangle all of THOSE things up and wish them on you. If somebody told me you were homeless, desperately alone and disfigured, I'd say, "Well, he isn't being mauled by a bear, is he? He should consider himself lucky".

If this were Ancient Rome, I would ask the various Gods to smite you. Especially the guy with the lightning bolt. Coincidentally, I would also ask him if he wanted to be friends, cause I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to be friends with that guy? He and I would drink a beer and then I would casually suggest that he split you in half with his kung-fu lightning.

I hope you feel my hate. You know how people say that when someone is talking about you that your ears burn? I hope that every time I direct a hateful thought your way one of your hairs falls out. That way, I'll know my job is complete when you're bald and blubbering.
Someone should hold a hate contest because I would win, hands down. And I've never won anything so that would be a plus for me.

I hate you so much it makes me want to commit a hate crime. I hate you so much I subsist only on hater-ade. I'm going to build a roller coaster that requires each rider to hate you THIS much to ride. If I could feed people with my hate, I would solve world hunger. If you looked up HATE in a dictionary, you wouldn't see a picture of me - but only because I don't photograph well.
How do I hate thee? LET ME COUNT THE WAYS. You're so worthless the Bard wouldn't Shake his Speare at you. If your name was Raymond, I would give you a 30 minute sitcom and call it "Everybody HATES Raymond" - it would be non-fiction.

My friends say that if I used this hateful energy to do something productive that I would actually be going somewhere with my life...

I HATE my friends.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Leslie Boggs

Did you hear? Leslie Boggs' nipple slipped out of her tank top during gym! Craig Turner said it winked at him!

Did you guys know that Leslie Boggs set all the frogs from science class free? And she did it using only her sense of smell!

You won't believe what I heard - Leslie Boggs ate all the silverware in the cafeteria! She's gonna be in the bathroom for like 3 days!

Dexter told me that Leslie Boggs' middle name is Peenus.

Once I went to a slumber party at Leslie Boggs' house. The inside was made entirely of broken dreams.

Leslie Boggs has a very strict policy about dating - if there's turf on the field, then the game is on.

Meghan Blatt said Leslie Boggs once gave a book report that was 2 days long - the funny thing is, no one can remember what it was about.

Legend has it that Leslie Boggs lives on a 25 hour day. What she does with that extra hour is ANYONE's guess. Mike Brooks thinks she does yoga.

The Iranians have a new virus to be used in biological warfare - only Leslie Boggs has the antidote.

In Albert Einstein's personal notes, a early draft of his famous equation went as follows - E=Leslie Boggs. When applied, the equation did not quantify the theory of relativity. Instead, it made the document burst into flame.

Peter Sweller dated Leslie Boggs for 6 months. He though the breakup was amicable. But 2 weeks later, his genitalia withered away.

Leslie Boggs says she plans to run for President. One day, a fellow peer asked, "President of what?" He was never heard from again.

Roses are red, violets are blue. LESLIE BOGGS.

Julie Fisk once said "Leslie Boggs" three times in a mirror. Now when she looks in a reflective surface, she only sees Leslie Boggs.

Leslie Boggs can read minds. She chooses not to.

Billy Seeger said that Leslie Boggs once told him how to solve world hunger over IM. He accidentally deleted the conversation.

Monday, October 6, 2008

To Kathy, Love Miles

Dear Kathy (sp?),
Hi! Welcome to Hillcrest High, home of the fightin' dogwood trees! I hope your first day of class has treated you well so far. I know that moving to a new school in a new town can be tough, so I'm here to offer you a friendship - no strings attached! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miles Pinkus and I would like - nay - LOVE to be your friend. I have lived in Hillcrest my entire life, and know the names of all the major intersections in town. I also have an extensive knowledge of all our local congressmen and did you know I can also read backwards? Anyway, if you want to be my friend, you can meet me tomorrow by the soda machine at 2:30 - I'll be the guy by the soda machine. LOL!
Hoping for a friend,

Dear Kathy,
So I couldn't help but notice that you didn't come by the soda machine today...what happened? Did you get lost or get caught in some barbed wire or something? I just can't imagine that you would have skipped...I mean, who wouldn't want a friend? Especially when they're new in town and probably don't have anyone to hang out with. And if you're thinking that I'm a loser, you are totally wrong. I don't need you. I'm just trying to be an upstanding citizen. So don't be such a raging bitch...LOL! Oh wait, I just realized in my other note I said 2:30 - maybe I should have been more specific and said 2:30 PM - gosh, I hope you don't come by at 2:30AM! I will feel like such a goof! But, just in case, I will be at the soda machine at 2:30am if you wanna meet up. I can show you my animal fetus collection! You bring the chex mix!
Living for the moment,

Dear Kathy,
I have to say that I'm beginning to lose my patience. Two times I've been at that soda machine waiting for you and two times you've disappointed me. Three times and I kill you...LOL! But seriously, where were you? I can only take the fetuses out of the fridge once a month and I just wasted it. So if you want to see them, you're gonna have to come over to my place...oh, why don't we just do that? I'll tell my cousin to make Liver for 3! Yes, I live with my cousin but its only cause my parents were murdered or something. So what'dya say? 7:30PM, my place? Be there or be DEAD! (kidding)
Giving you one more chance,

Well now you've really gone and done it. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG MY COUSIN SLAVED OVER THAT LIVER FOR YOU!? I'm so mad I could dig up my parents and murder them all over again...JUST JOSHING! but not really. Look, I don't know what I've done to offend you Kathy, but you have NO RIGHT to mess with people's hearts like this. I've been nothing but good to you and all you've done is shit all over me. Are you shy? Is that it? Because I can be very accommodating. If you feel awkward, or like I won't listen to you or make fun of you, let me assure you - I won't. Here, how about this. Tomorrow night, let's meet at the butcher store on Sycamore lane - I interned there last year so I have a key. We can talk this over in privacy.
Also, in anticipation of our conversation, please find attached a severed finger.
Looking forward to our chat,

Dearest Kathy,
You probably think I'm mad at you for calling the cops on me. I'm not. And I want you to know that that guy was dead before I cut off his finger. Did I murder him? Well that's for 12 of my peers to decide, isn't it? Anyway, I've been thinking it over and I think that I was too hard on you. You were new in town and probably overwhelmed by all the attention! So I'm going to extend an open invitation. If you need someone to talk to, or just have an urge to cut someone, I'm here. Hope you're excelling in class and give the fightin' dogwoods my love!
Yours truly,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hitting it Off


Man: Hi there.

Woman: (turns her back to man)

Man: Can I buy you a drink?

Woman: (no response)

Man: I like your shoulder tattoo.

Woman: That's a mole.

Man: I'll see myself out. (man downs the rest of his "Tequila Mockingbird")


Man: Self help, eh?

Woman: (turns back to man)

Man: A can't imagine a woman as beautiful as you needing any "self help"...

Woman: (silence)

Man: I seem to have gotten lost. Do you know where the bodybuilding section is?

Woman: (annoyed sigh)

Man: Do you want to feel my muscle?

Woman: (death stare)

Man: I'll see myself out. (Man Rollerblades away)


Man: You can lean over me if you want to see out the window.

Woman: (blank stare)

Man: Are you going to eat your peanuts?

Woman: (puts headphones on)

Man: I'm a tad nippy, could I borrow some of your blanket?

Woman: (ignores)

Man: You know, what happens under the blanket STAYS under the blanket.

Woman: (death stare)

Man: I'll show myself out. (Man jumps out of plane)


Man: Boy, it sure is hot down here.

Woman: (silently burns)

Man: You know, if you undo the buttons on that sweater you'll get more circulation. Just saying.

Woman: (not amused)

Man: You don't have to be embarrassed. It's not like I haven't seen boobs before.

Woman: (curses man with demonic incantation)

Man: I'll show myself out. (Man joins Hitler at the social mixer)


Man: Would you like the rest of my freeze dried ice cream?

Woman: (stares out at the vast emptiness of space)

Man: Suit yourself. How about some Tang?

Woman: (adjusts the compression in her space suit)

Man: You wanna join the 600 miles high club?

Woman: (enters hypersleep in defiance)

Man: I'll take that as a maybe. (man tries to enter hypersleep, but accidentally hit's "hyperspace", sending him light years out of his galaxy)


Man: Back on Earth, I was a king.

Alien: (indecipherable Alien gibberish)

Man: And I had many beautiful women as mistresses.

Alien: (drools)

Man: What I'm trying to say is that I've pleasured many, and would like to continue to do so.

Alien: (covers man in bile shot from its tentacle)

Man: Oh you frisky minx.

Alien: (eats man)

Later, when the Alien sits around with her other Alien friend....

Alien friend: So you ate him?

Alien: Yeah, but he didn't go down well.

Alien friend: Does any man?

Alien: Oh, you are TOO MUCH!

(the aliens toast their martinis)


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mystery of the Fincher Mansion (Part I)

Little Jimmy Fincher found himself at the foot of the those stairs again. Every summer, his parents left for an extended vacation in Boca Raton, leaving poor Jimmy to crash at his grandfather's Gothic, dusty old mansion on the outskirts of Boone, North Carolina. Now for most kids, this would be a dream. Hundreds of rooms to explore, and a kitchen and wait staff handy at the drop of a hat. But most kids didn't know the truth about that mansion. The truth that haunts Jimmy every time he shuts his eyes, like it was painted on the back of his eyelids.

Just four steps to the door, and then there's no turning back.

Jimmy picked up his hefty duffel bag and shuffled up the stairs. This year, young Fincher was going to fight back. Face your fears head on. That's what the psychologist on the TV said. That's the only way to conquer them. And that's just what Jimmy was going to do. Just as soon as he got comfortable and spent some quality time with Grandpa Claude. Yikes. Just the mere mention of his name made Jimmy uncomfortable. It wasn't that Claude was evil or mean or even crotchety - he was just...unnerving. He always spoke in a whisper and never looked anyone in the eye, like he was ashamed of something. Jimmy never thought that Claude had any clue what really happened in his old house.. Actually, the thought never occurred to him. But maybe that's the secret that Claude kept. The thing that he wouldn't dare expose - the thing that those weathered grey eyes might give away.

Jimmy opened the great oak door. He was immediately greeted by that old, familiar musk. It's funny how you can smell something, and it will take you right back to the moment you last took in that scent. For Jimmy, it wasn't pleasant.

"Claude?", Jimmy yelled into the foyer. "Grandpa?"

Jimmy's voice echoed into the great hall. This place was like a museum, with great wooden structures and vast open spaces. Jimmy didn't know how old the mansion was exactly, but he did know that it carried with it a lot of history. It was exactly as he had left it.

"Jimmy, my boy, is that you?" Claude limped into the foyer, putting most of his weight onto his magnificent mahogany cane. He called her Jessie - god knows why. "I thought I heard you, you little scamp!" Claude leaned down and tussled Jimmy's golden brown hair. "Come on, let's get your stuff into the kid's room".

Jimmy hated that he still had to stay in the kid's room. He was 12 now, and a room wallpapered with cartoon dinosaurs was no longer appropriate. It was also a little creepy, sleeping with a Tyrannosaurus right over your head - not that Jimmy was scared, Jimmy's not scared of stupid kid stuff like that.

Claude was surprisingly spry and energetic for an 87-year-old. But even so, he was still an old man, and dinner was always at the unbearable hour of 4:30pm. Tonight (if you can call it that), Jimmy would order his favorite - grilled cheese and banana sandwich. But fate had a different plan. Tonight, Jimmy wouldn't make it to dinner at all.

Jimmy dropped his bag in the kids room. He took in the familiar scent - the bookcase, the dresser, the outdated and dusty TV. Did Claude ever have cable? Jimmy couldn't remember the last time he watched television in the mansion. With no A/C, the estate could get pretty stuffy. Jimmy walked over to the window to let in some air. Three valiant pushes later and the window was open. The young boy was greeted by a powerful breeze, strong enough to knock the rail thin boy right on his butt. SLAM! The bedroom door closed behind him. Circulation was the key; if the door was closed, the open window would do little good. Jimmy pulled the knob. No luck. Harder this time. Still no luck.

Suddenly, Jimmy's stomach dropped. He was locked in. Bad things were going to happen.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "It's probably just stuck. I mean, this IS an old house". I don't blame you for thinking such a thing. But you also don't know what I know....and what Jimmy knows.

The room went dark. A rush of wind chilled the room. Jimmy felt very alone. He looked to the closet. Where would it come from? Maybe Would one of the dresser drawers bring him forth? Jimmy prayed it was a false alarm.

But then, from underneath the bed, he saw it slither out....